What are the Common Causes of Tooth Staining?
There are many potential causes of tooth discoloration. Some of the most common causes are smoking, aging, and the consumption of certain drinks, such as coffee, tea, red wine, or soda, and colored foods, like berries and candy. Medications or trauma can also be possible contributors.
Why Should I Consider Tooth Whitening Procedures?
In this day and age, it is important to look your best. For job interviews, dating, and other stressful social situations, discolored teeth can lower your self-esteem and make it harder to perform to your best potential. Having whiter teeth can give you the confidence boost that you need to interact to your best ability in stressful situations.
What is the Zoom Procedure?
The Zoom Procedure can be done either at home or in a dentist’s office. In-office procedures are tailored for a person’s teeth and have been proven to make teeth up to eight shades whiter. Zoom at-home whitening products are also fully customized to a person’s teeth. Your dentist can create a custom tray based on your dental make-up and customize the formula’s concentration and wear times based on your lifestyle and tooth sensitivity. These products contain amorphous calcium phosphate which helps to protect enamel, reduce sensitivity, and help improve the overall quality of your teeth.
Are There Advantages to In-Office Whitening?
In-Office whitening with the Zoom procedure is the quickest and easiest, as well as most effective, way to whiten your teeth. It is dentist supervised and can be completed in only one visit. Afterwards, the dentist will construct bleaching trays for you to take home for any touch-ups that may need to be done.
Tooth Whitening in Bolivar, Missouri
The safest and easiest way to whiten your teeth is through a professional. Visit your local dentist for the best possible teeth whitening. For professional tooth whitening service with Zoom in Bolivar, Missouri, schedule an appointment with Dr. Gonzales with Bolivar Family Dental. Feel free to call us with any questions or concerns you may have about tooth whitening.
Click the Schedule An Appointment button above to set up a professional tooth whitening online!
Beautiful Smile
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